The SIM Community is an initiative to share and collaborate on simulation software for the Space domain.
Currently this includes the SIMULUS framework, which supports the development of simulators based on the ECSS SMP standard.
What is SIMULUS?¶
SIMULUS is a framework that supports the design, development and testing of ECSS SMP based simulation models, including a ECSS SMP compliant simulation kernel.
Additional information about SIMULUS can be found in the SIMULUS Introduction.
Who is using SIMULUS?¶
SIMULUS has been used by several organizations such as European Space Agency (ESA) and European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) to develop Operational Simulators for their missions, ranging from interplanetary to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) missions.
Who is developing the software?¶
SIMULUS is a software originating from the European Space Agency - European Space Operations Centre (ESA/ESOC), where it has been in constant development and update for 20 years. With the transition of the software to the SIM Community, the goal is to facilitate other organizations and individuals not only may make use of this software but also feel encouraged to contribute and help develop SIMULUS for the next 20 years.